3. Erlanger Symposium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 583 „Redox-Active Metal Complexes: Control of Reactivity via Molecular Architecture“

5. – 8. Oktober 2011, Hörsaalgebäude H 1, Egerlandstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen

Der Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 583 „Redoxaktive Metallkomplexe“ lädt zum Symposium „Redox-Active Metal Complexes: Control of Reactivity via Molecular Architecture“ am 5. – 8. Oktober 2011 in das Hörsaalgebäude der Egerlandstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen ein.

Redox-active metal complexes are central to many fundamental processes that involve redox transformations of small molecules of industrial and biological relevance, like H2O, N2, NO, H2, O2, CO, and CO2. For many of these processes the interplay of molecular activation via atom and electron transfer is still far from being adequately understood. Research devoted to identifying and mimicking the “structure-function” relationships, which govern the metal complex catalyzed reactions, is essential in order to design novel species capable of catalyzing industrially relevant small molecule transformations. This conference aims to bring together international junior and senior experts to report on and discuss their current research (see program of the conference). The scope of research to be presented concerns the systematic elucidation and development of important elementary reactions involved in various small molecule transformations relevant to natural, industrial, and energy conversion processes. This research ranges from the syntheses, physical and spectroscopic investigations of new metal complex catalysts, through to theoretical considerations of these catalytic systems.

The meeting will be held at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Hörsaalgebäude H1, Egerlandstraße 3, Erlangen, Germany on October 5-8th, 2011.

Further information: Flyer, program