Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen
1. Mechanistic insight into formation of oxo-iron(IV) porphyrin π-cation radicals from enzyme mimics of cytochrome P450 in organic solvents
N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, A. Franke, D. Meyer, W.-D. Woggon and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 15, 2941-2959 (2009)
2. Metal ion-catalyzed oxidative degradation of orange II by H2O2. High catalytic activity of simple manganese salts
E. Ember, S. Rothbart, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
New. J. Chem., 33, 34-49 (2009)
3. Fast substitution reactions of Pt(II) in different ionic liquids. Reactivity control by anionic components
P. Illner, S. Begel, S. Kern, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 48, 588-597 (2009)
4. Activation parameters for heme-NO binding in Alcaligenes xylosoxidans cytochrome c‘: The putative dinitrosyl intermediate forms via a dissociative mechanism
D.A. Pixton, C.A. Petersen, A. Franke, R. van Eldik, E.M. Garton and C.R. Andrew
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 4846-4853 (2009)
5. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies on the reactions of FeIII(meso-[tetra-(3-sulfonatomesityl)porphin]) with NO in an ionic liquid. Trace impurities can change the mechanism!
M. Schmeisser and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 48, 7466-7475 (2009)
6. Detailed spectroscopic, thermodynamic and kinetic studies on the protolytic equilibria of FeIII-cydta and the activation of hydrogen peroxide
A. Brausam, P.A. Szilagyi, J. Maigut, R. Meier, H.-J. Buschmann, W. Massa, Z. Homonnay and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 48, 7864-7884 (2009)
7. Spectroscopic and mechanistic studies on oxidation reactions catalyzed by the functional model SR complex for cytochrome P450: Influence of oxidant, substrate, and solvent
N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, A. Franke, M. Wolak, T. Higuchi and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 15, 12447-12459 (2009)
8. Direct comparison of the reactivity of model complexes for Compounds 0, I and II in oxygenation, hydrogen abstraction and hydride transfer processes
C. Fertinger, N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, A. Franke and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 15, 13435-13440 (2009)
9. Unusual mechanism for the short-range electron transfer within gold-alkanethiol-ionic-liquid films of subnanometer thickness
D.E. Khoshtariya, T.D. Dolidze and R. van Eldik
Phys. Rev. E, 80, 065101(R) (2009)
10. Fundamental signatures of short- and long-range electron transfer for the blue copper protein azurin at Au/SAM junctions
D.E. Koshtariya, T.D. Dolidze, M. Shushanyan, K.L. Davis, D.H. Waldeck and R. van Eldik
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 107, 2757-2762 (2010)
11. Apparent or real water exchange reactions on [Zn(H2O)4L]2+.2H2O (L = sp-nitrogen donor ligands)? A quantum chemical investigation
B.M. Azoubi, M. Walther, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 41, 6932-6941 (2012)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the 23rd issue of Dalton Transactions!
12. Gutmann donor and acceptor numbers for ionic liquids
M. Schmeisser, P. Illner, R. Puchta, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 18, 10969-10982 (2012)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the 35th issue of Chemistry a European Journal!
13. Mechanistic studies on the reactions of platinum(II) complexes with nitrogen- and sulfur-donor biomolecules
Z.D. Bugarcic, J. Bogojeski, B. Biljana, S. Hochreuther and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 41, 12329-12345 (2012)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the 40th issue of Dalton Transactions!
14. Factors that determine the mechanism of NO activation by metal complexes of biological and environmental relevance
A. Franke and R. van Eldik
Microreview in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 460-480 (2013)
This manuscript is featured on on the cover of the 4th issue of Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.!
15. Mechanism of tetrachloroplatinate(II) oxidation by hydrogen peroxide in hydrochloric acid solution
P. Murray, K.R. Koch and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 43, 6308-6314 (2014)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the 17th issue of Dalton Transactions!
16. Temperature and pressure effects on C-H abstraction reactions involving compound I and II mimics in aqueous solution
M. Oszajca, A. Franke, A. Drzewiecka-Matuszek, M. Brindell, G. Stochel and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 53, 2848-2857 (2014)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the March 17 issue of Inorg. Chem.!
17. Behavior of highly diluted electrolytes in strong electric fields – Prevention of alumina deposition on grading electrodes in HVDC transmission modules by CO2-induced pH-control
I. Weber, B. Mallick, M. Schild, S. Kareth, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 20, 12091-12103 (2014)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the 38th issue of Chem. Eur. J.!
18. Elucidation of inorganic reaction mechanisms in ionic liquids: The important role of solvent donor and acceptor properties
M. Schmeisser and R. van Eldik
Perspective article in Dalton Trans., 43, 15675-15692 (2014)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the 42th issue of Dalton Trans.!