631. Application of high pressure in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry
R. van Eldik and C.D. Hubbard
in “Chemistry at Extreme Conditions”, M. Riad Manaa (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Chapter 4, p. 109-164, 2005
632. Analysis of flame retardant additives in polymer fractions of waste of electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) by means of HPLC-UV/MS and GPC-HPLC-UV
M. Schlummer, F. Brandl, A. Mäurer and R. van Eldik
J. Chrom. A, 1064, 39-51 (2005)
633. Kinetic and thermodynamic studies on ligand substitution reactions and base-on/base-off equilibria of cyanoimidazolylcobamide, a vitamin B12 analog with an imidazole axial nucleoside
M.S.A. Hamza, X. Zou, R. Banka, K.L. Brown and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 782-787 (2005)
634. The kinetics of the silver(I)-induced oxidation of chromium(III) by peroxodisulphate
A.M. Bogopane, J.J. Pienaar, G. Lachmann, M.S.A. Hamza and R. van Eldik
S. Afr. J. Chem., 58, 30-36 (2005)
635. The release of NO from reduced nitroprusside ion. Iron-dinitrosyl formation and NO-disproportionation reactions
F. Roncaroli, R. van Eldik and J.A. Olabe
Inorg. Chem., 44, 2781-2790 (2005)
636. Reduction pathway of end-on terminally coordinated dinitrogen. V. N-N bond cleavage in Mo/W hydrazidium complexes with diphosphine coligands. Comparison with triamidoamine systems
K. Meersmann, K.H. Horn, N. Böres, N. Lehnert, F. Studt, F. Paulat, G. Peters, I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic, R. van Eldik and F. Tuczek
Inorg. Chem., 44, 3031-3045 (2005)
637. High pressure chemistry: principles, technology, and applications to liquid systems
C.D. Hubbard and R. van Eldik
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, John Wiley, 13, 402-455 (2005)
638. Rapid identification of RoHS-relevant flame retardants from polymer housings by ultrasonic extraction and RP-HPLC/UV
M. Pöhlein, A. S. Llopis, M. Wolf and R. van Eldik
J. Chrom. A, 1066, 111-117 (2005)
639. Kinetics and mechanism of the Co(II)-assisted oxidation of thiourea by dioxygen
E.V. Kudrik, A. Theodoridis, R. van Eldik and S.V. Makarov
Dalton Trans., 1117-1122 (2005)
640. Mechanistic studies on the binding of nitric oxide to a synthetic heme-thiolate complex relevant to cytochrome P450
A. Franke, G. Stochel, N. Suzuki, T. Higuchi, K. Okuzono and R. van Eldik
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 5360-5375 (2005)
641. Pressure and temperature effects on metal-to-metal charge transfer in cyano-bridged CoIII-FeII complexes
B.P. Macpherson, B.M. Alzoubi, P.V. Bernhardt, M. Martinez, P.A. Tregloan and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 1459-1467 (2005)
642. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 57: Relaxometry of Water-Metal Ion Interactions
R. van Eldik and I. Bertini (Eds)
Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 485 pp, 2005
643. Mechanistic studies on the formation of Pt(II) hydroformylation catalysts in imidazolium-based ionic liquids
P. Illner, A. Zahl, R. Puchta, N.J.R. van Eikema Hommes, P. Wasserscheid and R. van Eldik
J. Organomet. Chem. (Special issue on Organometallic Chemistry in Ionic Liquids), 690, 3567-3576 (2005)
644. Evidence for interchange ligand-exchange processes on solvated beryllium cations
R. Puchta, N.J.R. van Eikema Hommes and R. van Eldik
Helv. Chim. Acta, 88, 911-922 (2005)
645. Experimental and theoretical approaches to the protonation of thiourea. A convenient nucleophile in coordination chemistry revisited
W.C. Schiessl, N.K. Summa, C.F. Weber, S. Gubo, C. Dücker-Benfer, R. Puchta, N.J.R. van Eikema Hommes and R. van Eldik
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chemie (Special issue dedicated to the 70th birthday of Prof. H.W. Roesky), 631, 2812-2819 (2005).
646. Introduction to thematic issue: Inorganic and bioinorganic mechanisms
R. van Eldik (Guest Editor)
Chem. Rev., 105, 1917-1921 (2005)
647. Transition-state effects of ionic liquids in substitution reactions of Pt(II) complexes
C.F. Weber, R. Puchta, N.J.R. van Eikema-Hommes, P. Wasserscheid and R. van Eldik
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 44, 6033-6038 (2005).
648. Kinetics and mechanism of the phthalocyanine catalyzed reduction of nitrite by dithionite and sulfoxylate in aqueous solution
E.V. Kudrik, S.V. Makarov, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 44, 6470-6475 (2005)
649. Effect of pressure on proton-coupled electron transfer reactions of seven-coordinate iron complexes in aqueous solution
D. Sarauli, R. Meier, G.-F. Lui, I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 44, 7624-7633 (2005)
650. Mechanistic information on the reductive elimination from cationic trimethylplatinum(IV) complexes to form carbon-carbon bonds
J. Procelewska, A. Zahl, G. Liehr, R. van Eldik, N.A. Smythe, B.S. Williams and K.I. Goldberg
Inorg. Chem., 44, 7732-7742 (2005)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the October 31, 2005 issue of Inorganic Chemistry!
651. pH controls the rate and mechanism of nitrosylation of water-soluble Fe(III) porphyrin complexes
M. Wolak and R. van Eldik
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 13312-13315 (2005)
652. Kinetic and mechanistic studies on the reaction of nitric oxide with a water-soluble octa-anionic Fe(III)-porphyrin complex
J.-E. Jee, S. Eigler, F. Hampel, N. Jux, M. Wolak, A. Zahl, G. Stochel and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 44, 7717-7731 (2005)
653. Equilibrium, kinetic and solvent effect studies on the reactions of [RuIII(Hedta)H2O] with thiols
M.M. Shoukry, M.R. Shehata, M.S.A. Hamza and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 3921-3926 (2005)
654. Influence of solvent on ligand substitution reactions of Pt(II) complexes as a function of the p-acceptor properties of the spectator chelate
C.F. Weber and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 4755-4761 (2005)
655. New safety film for chemical laboratory workers
Der neue Sicherheitsfilm für das Arbeiten in chemischen Laboratorien
C. Dücker-Benfer, W. Schiessl, M. Galle and R. van Eldik
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, 964-967 (2005)
656. Mechanism of isomerization of Ni(cyclam) in aqueous solutions
E. Maimon, I. Zilbermann, H. Cohen, D. Kost, R. van Eldik and D. Meyerstein
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 4997-5004 (2005)
657. High-pressure probing of a changeover in the charge-transfer mechanism for intact cytochrome c at Au/SAM junctions
D.E. Koshtariya, T.D. Dolidze, D. Sarauli and R. van Eldik
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 45, 277-281 (2006)
658. Reactivity of aquacobalamin and reduced cobalamin toward S-nitrosoglutathione and S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine
M. Wolak, G. Stochel and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 45, 1367-1379 (2006)
659. A comparative mechanistic study of the reversible binding of NO to a water-soluble octa-cationic FeIII porphyrin complex
J.-E. Jee, M. Wolak, D. Balbinot, N. Jux, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem, 45, 1326-1337 (2006)
660. Transition state characterization for the reversible binding of dihydrogen to bis(2,2’-bipyridine)rhodium(I) from temperature- and pressure-dependent experimental and theoretical studies
E. Fujita, B.S. Brunschwig, C. Creutz, J.T. Muckerman, N. Sutin, D. Szalda and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 45, 1595-1603 (2006)
661. Solvent-tuning of the substitution behavior of a seven-coordinate iron(III) complex
I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic, M.S.A. Hamza and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 45, 1575-1584 (2006)
662. Guest exchange dynamics in an M4L6 tetrahedral host
A.V. Davis, D. Fiedler, G. Seeber, A. Zahl, R. van Eldik and K.N. Raymond
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 1324-1333 (2006)
663. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies on reactions of Pt(II) complexes with biologically relevant nucleophiles
N. Summa, W. Schiessl, R. Puchta, N. van Eikema Hommes and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 45, 2948-2959 (2006)
664. Mechanistic information from low temperature rapid scan and NMR measurements on the protonation and subsequent reductive elimination reaction of a (diimine)PtII dimethyl complex
B.J. Wik, I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic, M. Tilset and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 45, 3613-3621 (2006)
665. Mechanistic analysis of reductive nitrosylation on water-soluble cobalt(III)-porphyrins
F. Roncaroli and R. van Eldik
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 8042-8053 (2006)
666. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 58: Homogeneous Biomimetic Oxidation Catalysis
R. van Eldik and J. Reedijk (Eds)
Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 290 pp, 2006
667. Chemistry edutainment: Magic show with Salvador Dalí
W. Schiessl, C. Dücker-Benfer, N. Summa, A. Brausam, P. Pfeifer and R. van Eldik
Chemie in unserer Zeit, 40, 184-193 (2006)
668. Kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of Pd(II) complexes with azoles and diazines. Crystal structure of [Pd(bpma)(H2O)](ClO4)2.2H2O
Z.D. Bugarcic, S.T. Nandibewoor, M.S.A. Hamza, F. Heinemann and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 2984-2990 (2006)
669. The reaction mechanisms of zinc enzymes
G. Schürer, T. Clark and R. van Eldik
in “The chemistry of organozinc compounds”, Z. Rappoport and I. Marek (Eds), John Wiley & Sons, p. 1-29, 2006.
670. Rational design of cation hosts. Prediction of cation selectivity by quantum chemical calculations
M. Galle, R. Puchta, N.J.R. van Eikema Hommes and R. van Eldik
Z. Phys. Chem. (Special issue dedicated to the 85th birthday of Prof. W. Jaenicke), 220, 511-523 (2006)
671. Oxidation of hydroxyurea with oxovanadium(V) ions in acidic aqueous solution
M. Gabricevic, E. Besic, M. Birus, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
J. Inorg. Biochem., 100, 1606-1613 (2006)
672. A new enantiomerisation mechanism for tripodal penta-coordinate ZnII(nta) complexes. Theoretical clarification of the observed 1H-NMR spectrum
R. Puchta, N. van Eikema Hommes, R. Meier and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 3392-3395 (2006)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the July 28, 2006 issue of Dalton Transactions!
673. Mechanistic information from a volume profile for electron transfer between promethazine and hexaaquairon(III)
J. Wisniewska and R. van Eldik
Inorg. React. Mechn., 6, 1-8 (2006)
674. Mechanistic studies on the nitrite-catalyzed reductive nitrosylation of highly charged anionic and cationic FeIII-porphyrin complexes
J.-E. Jee and R van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 45, 6523-6534 (2006)
675. Kinetic, thermodynamic and mechanistic patterns for free (unbound) cytochrome c at Au/SAM junctions. Impact of electronic coupling, hydrostatic pressure and stabilizing/denaturing additives
D.E. Khoshtariya, T.D. Dolidze, S. Seifert, D. Sarauli, G. Lee and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 12, 7041-7056 (2006)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the September 18, 2006 issue of Chem. Eur. J.!
676. Quantum chemical analysis of the enantiomerisation mechanism of complexes of the type [MII(XU)4]F+ (M = Pt, Pd, Ni; X = S, Se, Te; U = urea)
R. Puchta, R. Meier, N.J.R. van Eikema Hommes and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 4063-4067 (2006)
677. Nitrite impurities are responsible for the reaction observed between vitamin B12 and nitric oxide in acidic aqueous solution
F. Roncaroli, T.E. Shubina, T. Clark and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 45, 7869-7876 (2006)
678. The interpretation and mechanistic significance of activation volumes for organometallic reactions
R. van Eldik and C.D. Hubbard
Adv. Phys. Org. Chem., 41, 1-78 (2006)
679. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies on the binding of nitric oxide to a new enzymatic mimic of cytochrome P450
A. Franke, N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, D. Meyer, G. Stochel, W.-D. Woggon and R. van Eldik
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 13611-13624 (2006)
680. Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of [RuIII(edta)(H2O)]– with HOBr to form an intermediate RuV=O complex in aqueous solution
D. Chatterjee, A. Mitra and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 4691-4695 (2006)
681. Structure of sodium bis(N-methyl-iminodiacetato)iron(III). Trans-meridional N-coordination in the solid state and in solution
R. Meier, M. Moliner, C. Anson, A.K. Powell, B. Kallies and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 5506-5514 (2006)
682. Direct measurements of rate constants and activation volumes for the binding of H2, D2, N2, C2H4 and CH3CN to W(CO)3(PCy3)2. Theoretical and experimental studies with time-resolved step-scan FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy
D.C. Grills, R. van Eldik, J.T. Muckerman and E. Fujita
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 15728-15741 (2006)
683. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 59: Template Effects and Molecular Organization
R. van Eldik and K. Bowman-James (Eds)
Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 320 pp, 2007
684. Experimental methods and techniques: Kinetics studies
R. van Eldik and C.D. Hubbard
Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III, R.H. Crabtree and D.M.P. Mingos (Eds.), Volume 1, 509-540 (2007)
685. Ligand exchange processes on solvated lithium cations. II. Complexation by cryptands in g-butyrolactone as solvent
E. Pasgreta, R. Puchta, M. Galle, N. van Eikema Hommes, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
J. Incl. Phen. Macr. Chem., 58, 81-88 (2007)
686. Chemistry edutainment put to the test. Evaluation of the “chemistry magic show with Salvador Dalí”
W. Schiessl, P. Pfeifer and R. van Eldik
CHEMKON, 14, 84-89 (2007)
687. Characterization of polymer fractions from waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) and implications for waste management
M. Schlummer, L. Gruber, A. Müller, G. Wolz and R. van Eldik
Chemosphere, 67, 1866-1876 (2007)
688. Mechanistic studies on peroxide activation by a water-soluble iron(III) porphyrin. Implications for O-O bond activation in aqueous and non-aqueous solvents
M. Wolak and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 13, 4873-4883 (2007)
689. Searching for stable five-coordinate, aquated Al(III) species. Water exchange mechanism and effect of pH
H. Hanauer, R. Puchta, T. Clark and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 46, 1112-1122 (2007)
690. Electronic tuning of the lability of inert Co(III) and Pt(II) complexes
R. van Eldik
Adv. Inorg. Chem., 59, 265-310 (2007)
691. Host-guest complexes of oligo pyridine cryptands. Prediction of ion selectivity by quantum chemical calculations II
R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 1120-1127 (2007)
692. Mechanistic studies of reactions of coordination compounds. Some recent highlights
C.D. Hubbard and R. van Eldik
Invited review in J. Coord. Chem., 60, 1-51 (2007)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the January 10, 2007 issue of J. Coord. Chem.
693. The impact of different chelating leaving groups on the substitution kinetics of mononuclear PtII(dach)(X-Y) complexes
N. Summa, T. Soldatovic, L. Dahlenburg, Z.D. Bugarcic and R. van Eldik
J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 12, 461-475 (2007)
694. Mechanistic studies on the activation of NO by iron and cobalt complexes
A. Franke, F. Roncaroli and R. van Eldik
Microreview in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 773-798 (2007)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the 6th issue of Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.!
695. Systematic counter-ion tuning of the solid state structure of [Pt(thiourea)4]2+
W. Schiessl, R. Puchta, Z.D. Bugarcic, F.W. Heinemann and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 1390-1404 (2007)
696. Post-combustion syntheses of PCDD/F and PBDD/F from halogen-rich fuel is suppressed by a pebble heater technology
M. Schlummer, A. Mäurer, R. van Eldik, P. Quicker, W. Fischer and M. Faulstich,
Env. Sci. Pollut. Res., 14, 414-420 (2007)
697. Reaction of [RuIII(edta)(H2O)]– with H2O2 in aqueous solution. Kinetic and mechanistic investigation
D. Chatterjee, A. Mitra and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 943-948 (2007)
698. Possible biotransformation reactions of polynuclear Pt(II) complexes
N. Summa, J. Maigut, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 46, 2094-2104 (2007)
699. Influence of an extremely negatively charged porphyrin on the reversible binding kinetics of NO to Fe(III) and the subsequent reductive nitrosylation
J.-E. Jee, S. Eigler, N. Jux, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 46, 3336-3352 (2007)
700. Fascinating inorganic/bioinorganic reaction mechanisms
R. van Eldik
Coord. Chem. Rev., 251, 1649-1662 (2007)
701. Ligand exchange processes on solvated lithium cations. III. DMSO and water/DMSO mixtures
E. Pasgreta, R. Puchta, M. Galle, N. van Eikema Hommes, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
ChemPhysChem, 8, 1315-1320 (2007)
702. Influence of the bridging ligand on the substitution behaviour of dinuclear Pt(II) complexes. An experimental and theoretical approach
H. Ertürk, A. Hofmann, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 2295-2301 (2007)
703. Ligand exchange processes on solvated lithium cations. IV. Acetonitrile and hydrogen cyanide
E. Pasgreta, R. Puchta, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 1815-1822 (2007)
704. Nature of Cp*MoO2+ in water and intramolecular proton transfer mechanism by stopped-flow kinetics and DFT calculations
J.-E. Jee, A. Comas-Vives, C. Dioni, G. Ujaque, R. van Eldik, A. Lledos and R. Poli
Inorg. Chem., 46, 4103-4113 (2007)
705. Kinetics and mechanism of the reduction of (ImH)[trans-RuCl4(dmso)(Im)] by ascorbic acid in acidic aqueous solution
M. Brindell, D. Piotrowska, A.A. Shoukry, G. Stochel and R. van Eldik
J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 12, 809-818 (2007)
706. Ligand exchange processes on solvated lithium ions. V. Complexation by cryptands in acetone as solvent
E. Pasgreta, R. Puchta, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 3067-3076 (2007)
707. X-ray structural characterization of imidazolylcobalamin and histidinylcobalamin: Cobalamin models for aquacobalamin bound to the B12 transporter protein transcobalamin
L. Hannibal, S.D. Bunge, R. van Eldik, D.W. Jacobsen, C. Kratky, K. Gruber and N.E. Brasch
Inorg. Chem., 46, 3613-3618 (2007)
708. Elucidation of the solution structure and water-exchange mechanism of paramagnetic [FeII(edta)(H2O)]2-
J. Maigut, R. Meier, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 46, 5361-5371 (2007)
709. Structural and kinetic study of reversible CO2 fixation by dicopper macrocyclic complexes. From intramolecular binding to self-assembly of molecular boxes
A. Company, J.-E. Jee, X. Ribas, J.M. Lopez-Valbuena, L. Gomez, M. Corbella, A. Llobet, J. Mahia, J. Benet-Buchholz, M. Costas and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 46, 9098-9110 (2007)
710. Kinetics and mechanism of the substitution behaviour of Pd(II) piperazine complexes with different biologically relevant nucleophiles
A. Shoukry, M. Brindell and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 4169-4174 (2007)
711. Low-temperature rapid-scan detection of reactive intermediates in epoxidation reactions catalyzed by a new enzyme mimic of cytochrome P450
N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, A. Franke, D. Meyer, W.-D. Woggon and R. van Eldik
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 12473-12479 (2007)
712. [FeIII(tmdta)]– – twist-boat/half-chair conformer ratio reliably deduced from DFT calculated Raman spectra
R. Meier, J. Maigut, B. Kallies, N. Lehnert, F. Paulat, F.W. Heinemann, G. Zahn, M.P. Feth, H. Krautscheid and R. van Eldik
Chem. Commun., 3960-3962 (2007)
713. Kinetics and mechanism of the substitution reactions of [PtCl(bpma)]+, [PtCl(gly-met-S,N,N)] and their aqua analogues with L-methionine, glutathione and 5’-GMP
Z.D. Bugarcic, J. Rosic, B. Petrovic, N. Summa, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 12, 1141-1150 (2007)
714. A kinetic and mechanistic study of the chromium(VI) reduction by hydrogen peroxide in acidic aqueous solutions
W. van Niekerk, J.J. Pienaar, G. Lachmann, R. van Eldik and M. Hamza
Water SA, 33, 619-625 (2007)
715. Rapid ligand substitution reactions in ionic liquids studied by stopped-flow technique
P. Illner, S. Kern, S. Begel and R. van Eldik
Chem. Commun., 4803-4805 (2007)
716. Host-guest complexes of bicyclic hexaamine cryptands – Prediction of ion selectivity by quantum chemical calculations III
R. Puchta, R. Meier and R. van Eldik
Austr. J. Chem., 60, 889-897 (2007)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the December issue of Austr. J. Chem!
717. Complex-formation reactions of dichloro(S-methyl-L-cysteine)palladium(II) with bio-relevant ligands. Labilization induced by S-donor chelates
M.R. Shehata, M.M. Shoukry, F.M.H. Nasr and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 779-786 (2008)
718. Host-guest complexes of mixed glycol-phenanthroline cryptands – Prediction of ion selectivity by quantum chemical calculations IV
R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
J. Inclus. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem., 60, 383-392 (2008)
719. High-pressure testing of heterogeneous charge transfer in a room-temperature ionic liquid: Evidence for solvent dynamic control
T.D. Dolidze, D.E. Khoshtariya, P. Illner, L. Kulisiewicz, A. Delgado and R. van Eldik
J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 3085-3100 (2008)
720. Kinetic studies on the reactions of [Pd(dach)(X-Y)] complexes with some DNA constituents
B. Petrovic, Z.D. Bugarcic and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 807-813 (2008)
721. Ligand exchange processes on solvated beryllium cations II. [Be(solvent)(12-Crown-4)]
R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 634, 735-739 (2008)
722. A novel iron(III)-porphyrazine complex. Complex speciation and reactions with NO and H2O2
A. Theodoridis, J. Maigut, R. Puchta, E.V. Kudrik and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 47, 2994-3013 (2008)
723. Substitution reactions of amine-bridged dinuclear Pt(II) complexes with bio-relevant nucleophiles
H. Ertürk, J. Maigut, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 2759-2766 (2008)
724. Heterogeneous electron transfer at Au/SAM junctions in a room-temperature ionic liquid under pressure
T.D. Dolidze, D.E. Koshtariya, P. Illner and R. van Eldik
Chem. Commun., 2112-2114 (2008)
725. Effect of chelate dynamics on water exchange reactions of paramagnetic aminopolycarboxylate complexes
J. Maigut, R. Meier, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 47, 5702-5719 (2008)
726. Kinetics and mechanism of O-O bond cleavage in the reaction of [RuIII(edta)(H2O)]– with hydroperoxides in aqueous solution
D. Chatterjee, A. Sikdar, V.R. Patman, A. Theodoridis and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 3851-3856 (2008)
727. Which oxidant is really responsible for P450 model oxygenation reactions? – A kinetic approach
A. Franke, C. Fertinger and R. van Eldik
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47, 5238-5242 (2008)
728. Influence of fluoride on the reversible binding of NO by [FeII(edta)(H2O)]2-. Inhibition of autoxidation of [FeII(edta)(H2O)]2-
J. Maigut, R. Meier and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 47, 6314-6321 (2008)
729. The reduction of (ImH)[trans-RuIIICl4(dmso)(Im)] under physiological conditions. Preferential reaction of the reduced complex with human serum albumin
M. Brindell, I. Sawoska, J. Supel, A. Skoczowski, G. Stochel and R. van Eldik
J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 13, 909-918 (2008)
730. Metal complex-assisted activation of small molecules. From NO to superoxide and peroxides
I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic and R. van Eldik
Perspective article in Dalton Trans., 5259-5275 (2008)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the October 21, 2008 issue of Dalton Transactions!
731. Ligand exchange processes on solvated beryllium cations III. Which model reaction is preferable for quantum chemical investigations of water exchange mechanisms?
R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Helv. Chim. Acta, 91, 1063-1071 (2008)
732. Mechanistic studies on fast ligand substitution reactions of Pt(II) in different ionic liquids. Role of solvent polarity and ion-pair formation
S. Begel, P. Illner, S. Kern, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 47, 7121-7132 (2008)
733. Triggering water exchange mechanisms via chelate architecture. Shielding of transition metal centers by aminopolycarboxylate spectator ligands
J. Maigut, R. Meier, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 14556-14569 (2008)
734. Interplay between acetate ions, the peripherical groups, and the reactivity of the core nitrogens in transmetalation of tetrapyrroles
L. Orzel, L. Fiedor, M. Wolak, A. Kania, R. van Eldik and G. Stochel
Chem. Eur. J., 14, 9419-9430 (2008)
735. Application of high pressure laser flash photolysis in studies on selected hemoprotein reactions
M. Brindell, I. Stawoska, L. Orzel, P. Labuz, G. Stochel and R. van Eldik
Biochim. Biophys. Acta – Proteins and Proteomics, 1784, 1481-1492 (2008)
736. Ligand exchange processes on solvated beryllium cations. IV. [Be(H2O)2(imidazole-based chelate)]
R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 634, 1915-1920 (2008)
737. Versatile and fast gas chromatographic determination of frequently used brominated flame retardants in styrenic polymers
M. Pöhlein, R. Urpi Bertran, M. Wolf and R. van Eldik
J. Chrom. A, 1203, 217-228 (2008)
738. The impact of tripodal chelates on water-exchange kinetics and mechanisms. A variable temperature and pressure 17O NMR study to clarify the structure-reactivity relationship in [FeII(L)(H2O)2]– complexes
J. Maigut, R. Meier, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Magn. Reson. Chem., 46, 594-599 (2008)
739. Importance of experiments in teaching chemistry
R. van Eldik
“Why Chemistry?”, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, 67-73 (2008)
740. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 60
R. van Eldik (Ed)
Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 290 pp, 2008
741. Iron chalates: a challenge to chemists and Mössbauer spectroscopists
Z. Homonnay, P.A. Szilagyi, A. Vertes, R. Kuzmann, V.K. Sharma, G. Molnar, A. Bousseksou, J.-M. Greneche, A. Brausam, R. Meier and R. van Eldik
Hyperfine Interact, 182, 77-86 (2008)
742. From NO to peroxide activation by model iron(III) complexes
A. Franke, N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, J.-E. Jee and R. van Eldik
In „Activating Unreactive Substrates: The Role of Secondary Interaction“, C. Bolm and E. Hahn (Eds.), Wiley-VCH, 245-272 (2009)
743. Mechanistic insight into formation of oxo-iron(IV) porphyrin π-cation radicals from enzyme mimics of cytochrome P450 in organic solvents
N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, A. Franke, D. Meyer, W.-D. Woggon and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 15, 2941-2959 (2009)
744. Metal ion-catalyzed oxidative degradation of orange II by H2O2. High catalytic activity of simple manganese salts
E. Ember, S. Rothbart, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
New. J. Chem., 33, 34-49 (2009)
This manuscript is featured on the cover of the January 2009 issue of New Journal of Chemistry!
745. Hydrogen cyanide exchange on [Al(HCN)6]3+ – a DFT study
R. Puchta, B.M. Alzoubi and R. van Eldik
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 635, 434-438 (2009)
746. Fast substitution reactions of Pt(II) in different ionic liquids. Reactivity control by anionic components
P. Illner, S. Begel, S. Kern, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 48, 588-597 (2009)
747. Mechanistic behaviour of alkylcobaloxime and imino-oxime complexes related to vitamin B12
B.M. Alzoubi, F. Vidali, R. Puchta, C. Dücker-Benfer, A. Felluga, L. Randaccio, G. Tauzher and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 2392-2399 (2009)
748. Structural, spectroscopic and kinetic investigation of the molybdenum dialkylhydrazido complexes [MoBr(NNC5H10)(dppe)2]Br and [Mo(NNC5H10)(dppe)2]: Activation parameters and revised mechanism for N-N cleavage
A. Dreher, K. Mersmann, C. Näther, I. Ivanovic-Burmazoviz, R. van Eldik and F. Tuczek
Inorg. Chem., 48, 2078-2093 (2009)
749. Synthesis, characterization, thermodynamic and kinetic properties of a new series of dinuclear Pt(II) complexes
H. Ertürk, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 1331-1338 (2009)
750. Is bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide an innocent anion? X-ray structure data and DFT calculations
P. Illner, R. Puchta, F.W. Heinemann and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 2795-2801 (2009)
751. Ligand exchange processes on the smallest solvated alkali and alkali earth metal cations. An experimental and theoretical approach
R. Puchta, E. Pasgreta and R. van Eldik
Adv. Inorg. Chem., 61, 523-571 (2009)
752. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 61: Metal ion controlled reactivity
R. van Eldik and C.D. Hubbard (Eds)
Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 655 pp, 2009
753. Activation parameters for heme-NO binding in Alcaligenes xylosoxidans cytochrome c’: The putative dinitrosyl intermediate forms via a dissociative mechanism
D.A. Pixton, C.A. Petersen, A. Franke, R. van Eldik, E.M. Garton and C.R. Andrew
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 4846-4853 (2009)
754. Multiple mechanisms for electron transfer at metal/self-assembled monolayer/room-temperature ionic liquid junctions: Dynamical arrest versus frictional control and non-adiabaticity
D.E. Khoshtariya, T.D. Dolidze and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 5254-5262 (2009)
755. Factors that affect the nature of the final oxidation products in “peroxo-shunt” reactions of iron porphyrins
A. Franke, M. Wolak and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 15, 10182-10198 (2009)
756. Equilibrium and kinetic studies of the reactions between aqua[1-(2-aminoethyl)piperazine]palladium(II) and biologically relevant uncleophiles
T. Soldatovic, M. Shoukry, R. Puchta, Z.D. Bugarcic and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2261-2270 (2009)
757. Influence of the chloride concentration on ligand substitution reactions of [Pt(SMC)Cl2] with biologically relevant nucleophiles
T. Soldatovic, Z.D. Bugarcic and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 4526-4531 (2009)
758. Preparation of reference materials for the determination of RoHS-relevant flame retardants in styrenic polymers
M. Pöhlein, R. Urpi Bertran, M. Wolf and R. van Eldik
Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 394, 583-595 (2009)
759. Chelate electronic properties control the redox behaviour and superoxide reactivity of seven-coordinate manganese(II) complexes
G.-F. Liu, K. Dürr, R. Puchta, F.W. Heinemann, R. van Eldik and I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic
Dalton Trans., 6292-6295 (2009)
760. Mechanistic information on CuII metalation and transmetalation of chlorophylls
L. Orzel, R. van Eldik, L. Fiedor and G. Stochel
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2393-2406 (2009)
761. A new trigonal-bipyramidal [CuII(pytBuN3)Cl2] complex: Synthesis, structure and ligand substitution behaviour
S.Y. Shaban, F.W. Heinemann and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 3111-3118 (2009)
762. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies on the reactions of FeIII(meso-[tetra-(3-sulfonatomesityl)porphin]) with NO in an ionic liquid. Trace impurities can change the mechanism!
M. Schmeisser and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 48, 7466-7475 (2009)
763. New mechanistic aspects of the Fenton reaction
S. Rachmilovich-Calis, A. Masarwa, N. Meyerstein, D. Meyerstein and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 15, 8303-8309 (2009)
764. Ligand exchange processes on solvated zinc cations. DFT analysis of hydrogen cyanide exchange on [Zn(HCN)6]2+
B.M. Alzoubi, R. Puchta and R. van Eldik
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 635, 1536-1540 (2009)
765. Mechanistic investigations on the reaction of an iron(III) octa-anionic porphyrin complex with hydrogen peroxide and the catalyzed oxidation of ABTS
A. Brausam, S. Eigler, N. Jux and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 48, 7667-7678 (2009)
766. Detailed spectroscopic, thermodynamic and kinetic studies on the protolytic equilibria of FeIII-cydta and the activation of hydrogen peroxide
A. Brausam, P.A. Szilagyi, J. Maigut, R. Meier, H.-J. Buschmann, W. Massa, Z. Homonnay and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 48, 7864-7884 (2009)
767. Equilibrium studies on complex-formation reactions of Pd[2-(2-aminoethyl)-pyridine)(H2O)2]2+ with ligands of biological significance and displacement reactions of DNA constituents
M.R. Shehata, M.M. Shoukry, F.H. Abdel-Shakour and R. van Eldik
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 3912-3920 (2009)
768. Spectroscopic and mechanistic studies on oxidation reactions catalyzed by the functional model SR complex for cytochrome P450: Influence of oxidant, substrate, and solvent
N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, A. Franke, M. Wolak, T. Higuchi and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 15, 12447-12459 (2009)
769. Combined low temperature rapid scan and 1H NMR mechanistic study of the protonation and subsequent benzene elimination from a (diimine)platinum(II) diphenyl complex relevant to arene C-H activation
J. Parmene, I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic, M. Tilset and R. van Eldik
Inorg. Chem., 48, 9092-9103 (2009)
770. Kinetics and mechanism of the Co(II)-assisted oxidation of L-ascorbic acid by dioxygen and nitrite in aqueous solution
E.A. Vlasova, N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, D.S. Salnikov, E.V. Kudrik, S.V. Makarov and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 10541-10549 (2009)
771. Mechanistic information from volume profiles for water exchange and complex-formation reactions of aquated Ni(II). pH, buffer and medium effects
H.A. Gazzaz, E. Ember, A. Zahl and R. van Eldik
Dalton Trans., 9486-9495 (2009)
772. Direct comparison of the reactivity of model complexes for Compounds 0, I and II in oxygenation, hydrogen abstraction and hydride transfer processes
C. Fertinger, N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, A. Franke and R. van Eldik
Chem. Eur. J., 15, 13435-13440 (2009)
773. Washing and bleaching agent that is gentle on textiles and effective in hard water comprising peroxide and manganese complex
A. Nordskog, W. von Rybinski, D. Sendor-Mueller, B. Middelhauve, S. Erpenbach, P. Schmiedel, S. Leopold, U. Huchel, T. Weber, R. van Eldik and E. Ember
PCT Int. Appl., 30pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2009141258 A1 20091126 (2009)
774. Unusual mechanism for the short-range electron transfer within gold-alkanethiol-ionic-liquid films of subnanometer thickness
D.E. Khoshtariya, T.D. Dolidze and R. van Eldik
Phys. Rev. E, 80, 065101/1-4 (2009)