3rd. Solar Technologies go Hybrid: Third International Conference, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany – Report
3rd International “Solar Technologies Go Hybrid – SolTech” meeting – Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, 27th – 30th April, 2014 organized jointly by the Universities of Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nürnberg and Würzburg, and the Technical and Ludwig Maximilian Universities in Munich.
SolTech is an interdisciplinary consortium of chemists and physicists at five different Bavarian Universities initiated by the Free State of Bavaria to explore innovative concepts for converting solar energy into electricity and non-fossil fuels. Humanity will exhaust the Earth’s supply of petroleum, natural gas and other fossil fuels in the foreseeable future. Non-fossil energy sources, such as sunlight, cannot yet replace current fossil and nuclear fuels, so that a major effort is needed to secure the energy supply of the future. This is the task to be undertaken by chemists and physicists of five Bavarian universities joined together in the state-funded research network „Solar Technologies Go Hybrid“.

Between April 27th and 30th April, 2014, over 150 delegates met in Wildbad Kreuth for the 3rd International Conference “Solar Technologies Go Hybrid – SolTech” at Wildbad Kreuth. This meeting was the third in a series that started in 2012 in Munich and continued in 2013 in Kloster Banz. The emphasis of the meeting was placed on reviewing the current status and assessing future research and development activities. Experts discussed topics in the areas of photovoltaics and of techniques with which solar energy can be stored as chemical energy. A prominent example of the latter is splitting water into oxygen and energy-rich hydrogen fuel in an environmentally friendly process using plant photosynthesis as a role model. The conference provided an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments and current projects and to exchange experience with other experts in order to initiate new projects in the growing field of solar fuels.
The Conference included nine plenary talks from prominent researchers from Europe and the USA in addition to 28 oral presentations and 81 posters in which SolTech members showcased their research. The first plenary talk was given by Rene Janssen (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL), who spoke of his research into using organic materials as a means to convert solar energy, gave the conference an excellent start. The first day concluded with an outstanding contribution in the area of mechanistic studies on artificial photosynthesis from Leif Hammarstroem (Uppsala University, Sweden) followed by the first of two excellent poster sessions. The second day began with Colin Nuckolls (Columbia University, NY, USA) talking about his nanobowls, nanowires, and nanoribbons. Following lunch, Kees Hummelen (University of Groningen, NL) showed some very impressive approaches to enhancing charge-separation properties by means of molecular materials. Towards the end of day two Frank Wuerthner (University of Würzburg) reported on non-covalent interactions between perylenes and mercocyanines as materials applicable in organic photovoltaics. The day was rounded off by the second poster session. Ulrich Lemmer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and Tomas Torres (Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain) were the two highlights of the third day. They covered the fields of device architectures and synthesis of molecular building blocks for photovoltaics and artificial photosynthetic systems, respectively. The last day started with a plenary talk by Andres Hagfeldt (Uppsala University, Sweden & Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland), who described the status quo in dye-sensitized solar cells. Finally, Michael R. Wasielewski (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA) closed the conference with a talk on molecular singlet fission accomplished in solid state crystals.
A poster jury selected the following three posters out of the 81 excellent contributions:
1) Electroactive Covalent Organic Frameworks, by Mona Calik, D. Medina, F. Auras, V. Werner, M. Dogru, P. Knochel and T.s Bein, LMU)
2) Self-assembled Perylene Bisimide tetrahedral as Light-harvesting Host Molecules, by Valentin Kunz, P. D. Frischmann, K. Mahata and F. Würthner (Würzburg)
3) An Organic Photochromic triad Acting as an Optical Gate, by Martti Pärs, M. Gradmann, R. Schmidt, K. Gräf, P. Bauer, M. Telakkat and Jürgen Köhler (Bayreuth)
These were awarded prizes sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
27. bis 30. April 2014 – Solar Technologies go Hybrid: III. Internationale Konferenz in Wildbad Kreuth, Deutschland
The third „Solar Technologies Go Hybrid “ workshop will take place from April 27 – April 30, 2014 in Wildbad Kreuth. (Also have a look here.)
The coordinators Prof. Dr. Dirk Guldi and Prof. Dr. Timothy Clark are looking forward to three and a half days of exciting discussions, lectures and poster contributions from five key labs and are especially pleased about the visit and lectures of the following (international) guest speakers:
- Michael R. Wasielewski – Northwestern University / USA
- Carlos Härtel – GE Global Research / Garching /Germany
- Anders Hagfeldt – Uppsala University / Sweden
- Tomás Torres – Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Spain
- Elizabeth von Hauff – University Amsterdam /Netherlands
- Ulrich Lemmer – Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie / Germany
- Clifford P. Kubiak – University of California / USA
- J.C. Hummelen – University of Groningen / Netherlands
- Colin Nuckolls – Columbia University /USA
- Leif Hammarström – Uppsala University / Sweden
- Rene Janssen – Eindhoven University of Technology /Netherlands
Please also have a look here to view the program.
Hans-Wilhelm und Helga Schüßler-Stiftung vergibt Preis an Parisa Khoram
Frau Parisa Khoram, Masterstudentin in der Arbeitsgruppe Solar Tech/Lehrstuhl Professor Christoph Brabec, hat für ihre besondere akademische Leistung und ihr interkulturelles Engagement im September 2013 den ‚Hans-Wilhelm und Helga Schüßler-Preis‘ erhalten. Die ausgezeichneten Preisträger/innen werden wie beim DAAD-Preis-Verfahren von der Kommission für Internationalisierung bestimmt.
Für weitere Informationen bitte hier klicken
Stipendium der Stiftung Industrieforschung an Parisa Khoram
Frau Parisha Khoram, Masterstudentin in der Arbeitsgruppe Solar Tech/Lehrstuhl Professor Christoph Brabec, hat im Juni 2013 von der ‚Stiftung Industrieforschung‘ zur Unterstützung ihres Master Projektes ein sechsmonatiges Stipendium erhalten.
Für weitere Informationen bitte hier klicken
20. Januar 2014 – 1. EC-Meeting Key Lab FAU
1. Sitzung 2014 der fünf Key Labs unter dem Vorsitz der beiden Koordinatoren Professor Clark und Professor Guldi
Pflanzen-Power aus dem Reagenzglas
Erlanger Chemiker entwickeln künstliche Moleküle, die die Kunst der Photosynthese beherrschen (Nürnberger Nachrichten, 10.10.2013)
14. November bis 15. November 2013 „Computational methods for experimentalists“ Workshop in Erlangen
Die SolTech Repräsentanten der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter organisieren einen Workshop für Studenten und Doktoranden der Key Labs.
24. Juli 2013 bis 26. Juli 2013 – Symposium Solar-Energy-Conversion München
Solar-Energy-Conversion in München / Campus Großhadern
17. Juli 2013 – „The role of electronic coupling in modulation the photophysical properties of molecular assemblies“
Vortrag in englischer Sprache von Professor Dr. Dongho Kim at 3:00 pm, Hörsaal 2, Hörsaalgebäude Südgelände, Egerlandstraße 3 in 91058 Erlangen
2. Juli 2013 – Iconoclastic Reexamination of Basic Mechanisms and Structural Rules in Organic Chemistry
Vortrag in englischer Sprache von Professor Paul von Ragué Schleyer, University of Athens in Georgia, USA, Kleiner Hörsaal, Henkestraße 42 Erlangen
18. April 2013 – Bayern Innovativ: Energie Innovativ Forschung und Innovationen für den Energieumstieg, Meistersingerhalle Nürnberg
Konferenz-Bilder bitte hier klicken
11. April 2013 bis 13. April 2013 – 2. Solar Tech Workshop Kloster Banz
2. Workshop Solar Technologies Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein
uni mediendienst Nr. 14 2012 vom 16.04.2012
Forschen für die Energiewende
Bayerische Staatsregierung fördert vier Projekte mit FAU-Beteiligung
uni | mediendienst | forschung Nr. 14/2012 vom 16.4.2012 (Archiv)